By Katherine MacPherson BS, ACSM HFS
All sport injuries should be avoided at all measures. However at times sport related injuries are
inevitable, which is why it is exceedingly necessary to practice safe and
effectively to halt the unexpected. DHMC
Knee Injury Lecture Review PART ONE (find part one online at covered the essentials of knee anatomy and common
injury causes. This continued piece to
part one will advance to proper knee injury prevention techniques and safe ways
athletes and coaches can keep knees safe.

Improper tort can
be improved by strengthening the Abductors,
Gluteus Maximus and Minimums, Quadriceps, and Abdominals.
ExercisesLateral Band Walks: Abductor and Gluts
Squats: Quads
and Gluts
Plank: Abdominals
Ways to keep your
knees safe: Major preventions
Athletes and the general population will
significantly benefit from a proper warm-up.
One journal study from the American Journal of Sports Medicine researched
the role of warming-up and found that a proper warm-up can benefit the muscular
system by increasing the elasticity of the muscle-tendon unit (The role of warm
up In muscular injury prevention, 1988).
A proper warm-up will also increase the rate of blood flow, and helps
eliminate lingering lactate acid.
fitting equipment:
Mouth guard
Well fitted cleats, or sneakers
overuse: gradually increase the intensity, duration, and frequency of
active year around: This will decrease your risk of in-season injuries.
proper cutting, pivots, stops, and tackles:
Safran, M.
Garrett, W. Seabar, A., Glisson, R., & Ribbeck, B. (1988). The role of
warm-up in muscular injury prevention. The American Journal of Sports
Medicine, 123-129.